Lev vygotski

Educommunication in Dialogue with Vygotsky .
With Vygotsky7, educommunication accepts that man constructs learning as a social, collaborative and integrating experience, education being conceived as a social fact, favors meeting, listening and dialogue, as a balancing factor that leads to social commitment. human interaction is an evident link of humanization, the signs or manifestations of communication in the educational space, which arise in an interpersonal, group, organizational or mass relationship, can become the instruments of mediation that make affective growth possible and cognitive of the people who discover, build, work together for the common good 8
7 Lucci, M, Vygotsky's Proposal: Sociohistorical Psychology http://www.ugr.es/~recfpro/rev102COL2.pdf
8Cfr ._______ Lev Vigotsky: Communication, signs and culture, (2011), http://desarticoolarte.blogspot.pe/2011/06/lev-vigotsky-comunicacion-signos-y.html
The Theory of Learning and Development