
Educommunication and neuroscience
Educommunication dialogues with the neurosciences 9, as the possibility of a better knowledge of the person in the complexity of their own structure, the formation of social partners committed to transformation requires recognition of who we are, the strengths and capacities that we possess and the balance which will mean weaving a network of networks that allow harmony between autonomy and respectful social commitment to diversity.
Undoubtedly, the articulation of educommunication as a new field of social intervention seeks in dialogue the necessary foundation for the transformation of contexts and settings "The human being is endowed not only with cognitive skills, reason, but also emotional skills, communicative, social, moral, physical and spiritual, all of them coming from the noblest organ of your body: the brain.
In the brain we find the answer to transformation and it is there that the transformation will take place: in the brain of the teacher and in the brain of the student ”10.
9 Ojeda S. (2016) The great challenges of neuroscience in the XXI century, s-ojeda.pdf
10 Campos, A, neuroeducation: uniting neurosciences and education in the search for human development