Octavian Leaf

The educommunication in dialogue by Octavi Fullat
This approach is based on the perspective of Fullat's vision of man that each human being is the product of the relationship with other men, in such a way that the human sense of existence is provided by the exchange with other people.
Without the significance of interhuman communication, the status of person is not reached; in this way, interpersonal communication leads more easily to the community, that is, from the linguistic self-representation that is obtained in the dialogue. The model of man in Fullat's humanistic approach in relation that is praxis, search and construction builds with others his own experience from the possibility of being educated, “Education is understood as a between, as a movement, diligence, company, management , performance, perseverance, hustle, eagerness ... ”14
14 Fullat, O, Education and its knowledge, https://dialnet.unirioja.es/descarga/articulo/5056950.pdf