
Systematizations / «Communicate», Iberoamerican Scientific Journal of Communication and Education.

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«Communicate», Iberoamerican Scientific Journal of Communication and Education.
Description of the environmentThe Comunicar Group is made up of teachers and journalists from Andalusia (Spain), who since 1988 have been dedicated to research, editing teaching materials and training teachers, children and youth, parents and the general population in critical and plural use of the media for the promotion of a more democratic, fair and egalitarian society and therefore a more active and responsible citizenry in their interactions with the different communication and information technologies. With a statutory non-profit character, the Group promotes among its action plans the publication of texts, murals, campaigns ... focused on education in the media


Enrique Martínez-Salanova Sánchez

The educational event is, essentially, a communicative event . Today it is unthinkable to speak of communication and education as different processes. Communication processes are pedagogical components of learning

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