
What we propose

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The novelty of the experience in the Educommunication Articulation Project lies fundamentally in the possibility of forming open, dynamic communication networks and collaborative work in formal and non-formal educational spaces, giving the multiplicity of communicational processes in action, the significance and importance that ensure a better quality of encounters and relationships.

“… Each one… has in himself a personal identity, capable of entering into dialogue with others and with God himself. The capacity for reflection, argumentation, creativity, interpretation, artistic elaboration and other unprecedented capacities show a singularity that transcends the physical and biological sphere. " one.

It is about favoring the integral formation of social partners who build in relation to others the dialogical and critical sense of their own essence as a person2.

The inter-institutional experience has made it possible for the coordinating team to generate a dynamic of joint effort for a meaningful collective construction and enlightenment in the elaboration of a consensual work on educommunication, in dialogue with contemporary currents and at the same time

of reflection on the educommunication praxis experienced in our Latin American and Caribbean peoples.

Practice based on the major research lines that support the raison d'être of educommunication as a contemporary paradigm of polysemic language and that responds to the need to know how to inhabit the nascent digital culture with everything that emerges from it in terms of forms, new languages, manifestations, dynamics and communicational, social, religious processes with the purpose of integrating and generating effective transformations that promote a better quality of life and relationship in the new generations.

This is how the significance of searching for ways that provide timely responses to the need to inhabit digital culture makes sense in the team. This is one of the challenges that the project's approach recognizes because “… The media and technologies are for young people places of personal development that, however ambiguous and even contradictory it may be, makes them their own territory…” .3

Educommunication is assumed from a conceptual approach that places it as “a new interdisciplinary field with its own theoretical and methodological references”, 4 characterized by the attitude of permanent search for conceptual answers to the new social, cultural, communicational contexts in contemporary society.

From this reflection, it is possible to understand Ismar de Oliveira by arguing that “The new educational cyberspaces imply a spectacular advance and at the same time… they force educommunicators to be more aware of the dialogical, supportive, personal and intercultural sense and clearly differentiate communication from the field of devices, programs ... to focus on social and personal processes, collective reflection, participation and the common and creative search for solutions to the problems near and far in the world ... ”.5

The educommunication methodology experienced from the team makes it possible that at the end of a first stage it can be affirmed that the first motor of educommunication is the encounter, which establishes networks in the diversity of experiences, creates a climate of interactions and respect for contexts, scenarios, processes that are developing6, taking into account the wealth and heterogeneity of those who come to make up the coordinating team.

The educommunication ecosystem generated has given balance, from the simultaneity of processes and experiences, to the articulation of theory and praxis in the always assertive experience of virtual and face-to-face encounters that, following the thought of Barranquero7 (2007), ensures the search for articulations collective and dialogic based on the use of communication processes and tools, to guarantee progress and comprehensive training.

This innovative form of organization has had as personal characteristics the responsibility in the participation of the team members, the institutional belonging and the richness of the contribution that from the professionalism itself has been offered, as group characteristics. Thus, an empathic environment has been generated, of valuing differences and assuming tasks according to the potential that each one can offer.

The first time of knowledge of the team and its members was impregnated with simplicity, familiarity and convergence of thought in the diversity of experiences, which allowed a first conceptual approach to the subject that brought us together.8

Later, two work subgroups were outlined dedicated to the collection of interviews and life stories of educommunication theorists

and a second group to the identification of experiences for their subsequent systematization, finally a third subgroup is constituted for the implementation of the educom portal, which is one of the most significant products of the process.

The three seminars developed in this first time of work were taken care of in the quality of the communicational processes and analysis of the nature of each event. In the first, it was possible to identify the importance of mutual knowledge and the projection towards which it was being directed, in such a way that the preparation for this first seminar was marked by a rich experience of virtual meetings, all systematized and organized in such a way that the first face-to-face meeting articulated the virtual meetings that preceded the event, keeping the team in communication and identified with the fundamental objectives of the project.

The second seminar, prepared with a large series of virtual meetings, brought together 15 producers of educommunicative experiences in Latin America, generating new processes marked by transversality, simultaneity and convergence of views, provoking in the participants the identification of emergencies, the first of training in the methodological field of educommunication, as well as socialization and enrichment of experiences.

It is found that it is not possible to speak of educommunication without the identification of indicators that ensure the transformation of the person in all its dimensions and ensure the quality of the social partners who are accompanied in the processes, from the educational-communicative field, in formal settings and not formal.

On the other hand, the collective construction of the educom portal brought with it the application of a series of collaborative work strategies from the educommunicative approach: analysis, debates, work in pairs, dialogue, study documents, discussion groups, among others, all in a serene climate, not of competition but of welcoming, listening and mutual enrichment.

“… Taking into account that the constitutive elements of the ideology translated by the concept of educommunication. They are productive, creative and collaborative coexistence… with information technologies and, thirdly, the management of communication processes within the educational ecosystem… ”.9

At this point, the strategy not only leads us to go through the new methodology but also to propose one that favors educators, animators, communicators, children and adolescents to make it possible to inhabit the emerging digital culture, with personal responsibility and social commitment, promoting circular dialogue , open and committed in the encounter with the other.

In this sense, Pope Francis when speaking of human ecology affirms: “In this universe, made up of open systems that enter into communication with each other… it is possible… to discover innumerable forms of relationship and participation…” 10, as well as with the diversity of Latin American social environments.

The educommunication environment of the project has been characterized by promoting the interaction of forms and verbal exchange between the members of the group. The individual contribution has been valued, promoting the development of personal and team skills, creating synergy by taking advantage of the knowledge and experience of the members, evidencing the significance of the four knowledge proposed by Delors: learning to be, learn to learn, learn to know, learn to live together 11.

The portal acquires importance in the consolidation of the project since it is considered as the identity card on the network12 and the possibility of socializing a proposal open to enrichment not only conceptual but above all methodological and shared learning.

This will allow the transformation of contexts and scenarios from the educommunication perspective, under the focus of the Aparecida document in which,

Recognizing the significance of the communicative ecosystem of today's society, the church and its pastors publicly commit themselves to making a path together with communicators, accompanying and encouraging initiatives in this field, which implies a considerable and qualitative change in mentality.13

In this way, it is possible to effectively carry out the main goal of the project, which is presented as the possibility of Articulating14 processes, areas of intervention and transversal axes of Educommunication in the solidarity development of children and adolescents in Latin America and the Caribbean, with emphasis on the leadership of the community, open to critical and constructive dialogue with new sociocultural settings, generating dynamic and democratic communicative ecosystems at the service of the common good15.

1 Cf. Pope Francis No 81 2 Cf. APARICI and others 2010, Educommunication beyond 2.0, Ch. 1 Editorial Gedisa, Barcelona, Spain. 3 MARTÍN BARBERO, Jesús. "Prologo", in BACHER, Silvia. Tattooed by the Media, Dilemmas of Education in the Digital Age, Buenos Aires, Paidós, 2009, p. 14. 4 Cf. SOARES DE OLIVEIRA, Ismar 2002, Networks, management and citizenship, pg. 100 an analysis from communication Ed. Abya Yala, Quito- Ecuador 5 Cfr. SOARES DE OLIVEIRA, Ismar 2013, Interview, Comunicar Magazine around-the-word-in-the-practice-of-educommunication /. 6 Cf. ROMANI COBA (coordinator and others) Invisible learning towards a new ecology of education, XXI century transmedia collection 7 Cf. BARRANQUERO, Alejandro, 2007, “Concept, instruments and challenges of educommunication for social change”, in: Comunicar , Vol. XV, No. 29, University of Huelva. 8 Cf. Educommunication working documents. 9 Cf. SOARES DE OLIVEIRA, Ismar Participatory media education: the perspective of the Bachelor's Degree in Educommunication, USP - Brazil 10 Papa Francisco, Laudato Si ', No 79 11 DELORS Jacques, 1997. Education contains a treasure: report to UNESCO from the International Commission on Education for the XXI century, Ed. UNESCO Courier 12 APARICI R. 2010 Educommunication beyond 2.0 , Gedicia publishing house, Bogotá Colombia 13 Cf. Document of Aparecida. Ed. Paulinas No 486 14 Cf. MOLLO R., (2015) Navigating the new continent of education-communication: educommunication, a strategy for the encounter. 15 Cf. Objective of the articulation project of educommunication in the solidarity development of children and adolescents in Latin America.